Sunday Funnies – LOLs, May 19th, 2024

Some comics with socks appeal:


From the “Wisdom from the Funny Papers” Department. Sometimes a “cry for help” must be responded to with help. Sometimes when “they’re just doing that for attention” the humane response includes paying attention.

BTW, Maritsa Patrinos of the Six Chix now has her own separate strip, called Working Cats and appearing at Comics Kingdom.

I thought this was going to be about sentence-adverbs; but it was better than that. (Hopefully, everybody remembers what the controversies and pseudo-rules about sentence-adverbs were.)

No, I don’t see a joke here. But also I can’t say there’s supposed to be one, so it’s not really a CIDU. So let’s just take a minute to admire the artistry here. Such draughtsmanship! That ice-cliff shows us both distance and height, even while a whole surface is devoid of detail.

Stoner in the Stone Age

Isn’t the best ending to having a kidney stone to pass it? At least, better than not being able to pass it.

A few of the kidney stone comments on this comic:

“Better pass than fail”

“Well, well, well…Dylan wasn’t right! NOT “Everybody Must Get Stoned””

“Medical students dread the test on kidney stones. It’s the hardest one to pass.”

“Man walks into a bar. Bartender “Do you want to enter our drawing? We’re giving away a set of kidney stones.” Man responds “Nah, I’ll pass””

While we’re on the topic: (not a CIDU)

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, January 14th, 2024

Zippy feeling just a bit meta.

And a semi-CIDU for this same couple:

The question being: Is the guy just pushing his point by selecting a random term meant to be absurd, or else do they maybe have something (like a remote, or an ashtray, …) which is actually crafted to look like a Stegosaurus?

Why not start off Sunday with a bit of math? Roughly how old is she?

This is Frazz’s Sunday intro panel for January 7th. Mallett posts these on Facebook. Otherwise, I’d never see them because GoComics doesn’t use the intro panels, for reasons I don’t understand.

Deadly thoughts

It’s Halloween! It’s one of the set of similar days with very different tones: There’s the Day of the Dead, with reverence for the departed. There’s Halloween, where in theory the evil spirits have power, but has evolved into a chance to meet the neighbor kids, if only briefly. There’s All Saints Day on November 1, a day of celebration. Following that, on November 2, is All Souls Day, which I remember in particular for that scary sequence in the old Latin liturgy:

O wrath, O day of mourning,

O hear the fateful prophet’s warning,

Heaven and earth in ashes burning. …

When the Judge his seat attaineth,
And each hidden deed arraigneth,
Nothing unavenged remaineth.

What shall I, frail man, be pleading?
Who for me be interceding,
When the just are mercy needing? …

The general tone is aptly captured in Verdi’s or Mozart’s Dies Irae, from their Requiem Masses.

Of course, you might also mistranslate “Dies Irae” as “Day of the Iras”, and listen to Ira Glass’s This American Life, or some of those great songs from George and Ira Gershwin. Or not.

Saturday Morning OYs – July 15th, 2023

Diamond Lil seems to do a pun every day. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t from time to time pick out some striking ones to recognize.

This OY-Ewww was suggested by Maggiethecartoonist, who points out that the apparent Ewww element is based on a misunderstanding of what happens in what the Romans termed a vomitorium.

Nice, the way the at-first-hidden generalized your makes the whole thing work.

We had marked “Unintended Arlo” but really now, how can that not be meant?