Sunday Funnies – LOLs, April 28th, 2024

Pete sent this in. It’s also a bit of a CIDU, since wouldn’t knights in armor have metal plate on the bottom of their feet?

And here’s one sent in by Usual John, a bit more of a comic scene-rendering than a gag LOL:

In particular, local rules can cause problems. In the card game Hearts, does the jack of diamonds mean anything special? Can you dump on the first trick? In Monopoly, do you complain that the game takes too long, but put $500 on Free Parking, and allow houses to be turned in for full value? In poker, is the worst low hand A-2-3-4-6 or 2-3-4-5-7? Complain about your favorite example of local rules in the comments.

From the Ask-Me-Anything episode:


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

“The government taking us for a ride – the Rides of April”

The short form deserves a geezer alert, as it was discontinued years ago. There’s a 1040-SR now for seniors — the only difference is that it’s printed in larger type. , the instructions to file an extension, might come in handy if you’re like this woman.

It’s not going to work, Larry.

Actual error message from on the day tax forms (and estimated payments) were due, April 17, 2018. Not funny. Note the difference in the set of dates cited for the outage.

Actual IRS tax tips, if you need last minute help: including, for example, ways to pay over time.

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, April 7th, 2024

Keep doing variations on a theme, and sooner or later you’ll hit on one the fans don’t remember!

Have you seen the meme about the Welsh translation service?

Is the shell the choice spot for petting a tortoise?

Quite the wily allusion.

But only on condition they walk in together.

Geezer Alert!

This is the LOL-Weird entry for the week. Bizarro in more than name alone!

Thanks to Grawlix and Chemgal for suggesting this artist:

Here’s the LOL-Aww promised in the tags.

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, March 10th, 2024

Okay, do you agree this belongs in the LOLs? Or would you put it in OY, because the patient’s mishearing error depended on a near-miss similarity of sound between urine and hearing?

Thanks to Chak for this LOL from the Chuckle Bros:

When the New Yorker website has an outage, you see this message.

Hey, just a minute there! Are you saying there’s something wrong with that? It strikes me as an eminently reasonable basis for a preference.

Here is a sampler from recent episodes of an Australian strip that is new on our radar, Insanity Streak by Tony Lopes.

Stupor Bowl LoL

This cartoon by Travor Spaulding was originally published in The New Yorker four years ago, but it is still appropriate for today:

Jeff Millar wrote, and Bill Hinds drew this Tank McNamara strip as part of a widespread tribute to Charles Schulz on 27-May-2000:

Coincidentally, this year’s event (LVIII) will be the first ever held in (or at least near) Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, February 4th, 2024

TBH, this Rae the Doe isn’t really a LOL; but it needed to go in a list-post as not fully justifying a standalone daily post or even a bonus. What’s special about it is that you don’t often see a genuinely informative infographic as panel or strip of a regular comic (that is, excluding those that purport to bring you facts every day). Also, the artist’s note is endearingly unassertive, as usual (yes, she does put in notes somewhat often).

Happy Belated National Peanut Butter Day (January 24th).

BCN does Alice!

No, I kan’t make any sense of this Calvin and Hobbes:

NY^3: New Year’s Themed Comics on New Year’s Day from The New Yorker

It’s New Year’s Day, 2024, so why not post some New Year’s cartoons from another NY, The New Yorker? Wait. Wasn’t that yesterday’s theme? But this is a theme so nice, we’re using it twice.

1931 (i.e. first issue of 1931): some wake-up bells to start your year


1932: not a cheerful New Year’s

1933: Roosevelt’s been elected, but not inaugurated. The man here is not hopeful.


Similar theme from 1934:

To all our readers, commenters, editors, and cartoonists who make this possible, best wishes for a wonderful 2023 2024!

Reflect and think? Or maybe just do some things appropriate to the season. Change out that furnace filter that should be changed every 3 months. Is your toothbrush getting too long in the tooth? Check your IRA balances if you’ll need to make RMDs. Check the refrigerator for stuff that expired in 2022. Make some Hoppin’ John with those black-eyed peas in the back of the pantry. Feel free to comment on your own ways to mark (or ignore) the day.

Or, perhaps like Mooch, you’re perfect and can just take a nap.

Let’s end with an OY:

Sunday Funnies – LOLs for NYE from NYr, 2023

Some New Year’s Eve cartoons from the New Yorker archives.

1926 (i.e. first issue of 1926).


1932, before our smartwatches all had synchronized time.


Here’s a link to the New Yorker cartoons most shared on Instagram in 2023: NYer cartoons most shared on Instagram Not a CIDU among them, but quite a few LOLs.