In memory of CIDU Bill Bickel

Several years ago, Bill commented upon the unusual frequency of “Grim Reaper” comics, and he even held a contest (called “Deathmatch!“) to prove his point.

For this reason, I suggested scheduling the following comic collection for today, the second anniversary of Bill’s extremely untimely passing, in memory of a dear friend whom we all miss terribly, and who (I believe) would have understood this rather unorthodox memorial presentation in the humorous and good-natured fashion in which it is sincerely intended.

It’s simply a real shame that Bill could not have had the chance to read and comment upon these comics with us all.


This Strange Brew was contributed by Andréa, originally as an Oy:

Leigh Rubin keeps on returning to the Grim Reaper theme:

A Study in Scarlett (DeathMatch)


The first time I was sent today’s Monty, I decided I’d ask for feedback on whether to count it toward the DeathMatch tally.

After the fourth time, I figured I already had my consensus.

So it’s Death 15, #TeamPinocchio 5.

The Bizarro, sent to me by Nicholas, is ineligible because it’s almost two years old but, as he points out, it hasn’t been here before.
