Saturday Morning OYs – March 2nd, 2024

And another Argyle Sweater, this one from Targuman.

If you enjoyed that one, you may already know about the “Peccavi” incident.

The movie on which this joke is based was released in 1977: 47 years ago. Ordinarily, that would qualify for a Geezer tag.

Saturday Morning OYs – February 24th, 2024

Sorry to say our neighborhood Office Despot has closed. They were good for emergency computer cables.

The NUFFNI-DON is close enough to NUFFIN-DOIN to work as an utterance.


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

Saturday Morning OYs – January 6th, 2024

Have you kept count for how many times this joke has come up this week?

Woops! Turns out this is now the third appearance of this “kerning pun” (as jjmcgaffey called it) on CIDU in one path or another. 

This fun Rubes from a few years ago was brought to our attention by Professor Jerry Coyne (a big supporter of ducks) on his Why Evolution is True web site (blog, but he doesn’t like it called that).

As reported by The Daily Cartoonist (but nowhere visible at, Patrick McDonnell has announced that he will be taking a six-month sabbatical to work on other projects, and that (almost all of) the strips from now to June will be re-runs (note the absence of any year in the copyright line on this one).

Saturday Morning OYs – September 2nd, 2023

And another one for official Frankenstein Day:

And one directly addressing the occasion:

This from Chemgal, spotting an OY not in the comic overall but in a particular panel.

That’s right, it’s in what Chemgal calls “the third last panel”. I was going to have a fine old time on how different people, not to mention different nations, have different ways of counting from the back of a series, so the only safe way to label a “third from the end” or “second one from the last” or “position negative 3” is to adopt the technical-looking but easy-enough and safely unambiguous ANTEPENULTIMATE.

Oh but then! — but then I took a closer look, and I think the drawing is misleading, and actually the last panel includes both Adam’s speech balloon “Seriously .. all that?” as well as Katy’s and Clayton’s jibes. So the one with the cute shark tray pun is “second last” … or do you say “next to last”? Or “second back from the end”? Or “first before the last one”? Let’s go with PENULTIMATE!

“We prefer the British spelling diarrhoea as it shows a loss of control of your vowels.”

Saturday Morning OYs – August 26th, 2023

It bothers me (mitch) a little bit that this seems to depend on fission being more dramatically explosive than fusion. But still it’s wordplay and it’s pretty funny…

Parisi himself made the following comments:

“The coffin is ajar”

“Now he’ll be berried”

As for me, I’d like to toast the deceased.

Saturday Morning OYs – May 20th, 2023

And another Rubes, suggested by Maggiethecartoonist :

Should I feel sheepish posting a second comic on herding?