Saturday Morning OYs – April 27th, 2024

Not truly a pun, but still word-centered humor.

Somehow I passed by this panel several times before understanding the simple parallelism of the two signs.


As always — but it needs saying explicitly again now and then — we like to think of this as a reader-participation site, and not just for your invaluable (or anyhow amusing) comments, but for suggestions of comics to run and discuss.

Please share your specific suggestions of panels or strips, in CIDU, LOL, and OY categories, either by direct email to

(that’s “CIDU dot Submissions” at gmail dot com) or by using the handy-dandy Suggest A CIDU form page!

April Fools Review

This “Barney & Clyde” strip was submitted by Usual John:

I think the gag is that the strip itself does not have (and does not need) a gag, but I’m sure there are other possible explanations.

I went hunting to see if there were any other worthwhile April Fools’ strips, but was sorely disappointed. Almost all of the “standard” setups simply showed one character playing a typically lame practical joke on someone else. The best strips were those few that elevated the humor with some sort of “meta” component. Here are a few examples:

(I especially liked this “Thatababy” strip because this year, my daughter decided to rearrange the silverware drawer as an April Fools’ joke. Unfortunately, it didn’t work, because we all just assumed that she had forgotten the usual arrangement.)

The last two examples are from the great Comic Strip Switcheroo (1-Apr-1997):

P.S. Feel free to embed your own favorite April Fools’ comics in the comments!

Saturday Morning OYs – March 23rd, 2024

Have you heard about the notorious guy who had secret families in multiple places on his travel schedule? By the time he was found out, he had fathered enough kids to be called in the tabloids The 21-Son Galoot.

And from that same Wayno plus his senior partner, Dan Piraro in Bizarro:

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, January 28th, 2024

This sub-feature of the SFPC repertoire rarely does much for me. But this instance worked well — maybe because it isn’t really “for the epically/brutally challenged” as much as “for the nightly news evaluation challenged”. 

This was a momentary CIDU — I was puzzling out which side of the deal was losing, and why — until the GoComics comments cleared it all up. If you still need a clue, look at those pages in his right hand.

Yes, we don’t publish synchronicities any more. But two comics on the obscure theme of squirrel pushing showing up not just on the same day, but right next to each other in my GoComics feed, was too much to resist.

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, October 1st, 2023

A nice LOL-Ewww:

And then a nice LOL-Awwww:

And who doesn’t enjoy a good Alexa-Siri joke?

And an Ouch-LOL:

He meant to order an inflatable doll, but received an inflatable bed of nails.

P.S. A couple days later, this character and that prop re-appear; but decidedly not funny 😦 .

BTW, Gocomics gives this feature filenames that look like loesp230927.jpg, clueing us that at some point they were considering it to be Life On Earth in Spanish. (The same artist does the Life on Earth comic.)

Again on the meta train.

Saturday Morning OYs – August 26th, 2023

It bothers me (mitch) a little bit that this seems to depend on fission being more dramatically explosive than fusion. But still it’s wordplay and it’s pretty funny…

Parisi himself made the following comments:

“The coffin is ajar”

“Now he’ll be berried”

As for me, I’d like to toast the deceased.