Sunday Funnies – LOLs, April 7th, 2024

Keep doing variations on a theme, and sooner or later you’ll hit on one the fans don’t remember!

Have you seen the meme about the Welsh translation service?

Is the shell the choice spot for petting a tortoise?

Quite the wily allusion.

But only on condition they walk in together.

Geezer Alert!

This is the LOL-Weird entry for the week. Bizarro in more than name alone!

Thanks to Grawlix and Chemgal for suggesting this artist:

Here’s the LOL-Aww promised in the tags.

Let’s debate which way would be funnier

You ever think — or find yourself actually writing a comment — that the comic we’re seeing maybe has a point or makes a joke, or maybe doesn’t really, but in any case would be much better off if only some aspect were changed?

We just have to agree with some commenters on the GoComics appearance of this panel in October 2023 that getting a joke from this would seem to require knowing which of the gorillas ordered the virgin daiquiri. Is it the one facing us from the far end of the banquette and looking (maybe) a little abashed? Or could it have worked better with one gorilla and three humans? Or how about …

One original commenter said The joke isn’t about which ordered it – the joke is that the virgin one is simply a banana…. Does that help? Or does it just emphasize that *all* of them would probably want the plain banana?

Okay, sure, the little one is the “sub” woofer because it’s subordinate. I guess. 
— But, but … When it comes to actual acoustic speakers (where the terminology originated), a sub woofer produces even lower pitches than a woofer, and therefore needs to be larger. 
— Okay, that might fix the technicality, but it would ruin the joke.
 – Nah, it would be funnier that way, with the facts working. 
 – Nah, it would be stupid that way. Everybody would say, “But what’s the joke?”

And what do mice know or care, about an MRI scan? Ah, but if it were about CAT scans, then we would understand the issue!

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, December 10th, 2023

Yep, that’s what I thought she meant too! Did anyone here not think that first?

Such a nice use of expressive objects.

BTW, if you are looking for a great read, try The Wager. There’s also a long excerpt in The New Yorker a few months back.

End of [drawing a] line

The GoComics comments for this 21 November Strange Brew seem to not hit the target until they start asking if it’s Fortran or what programming language it’s in, or what the backslashes are for. Well, it’s not Fortran! But I am ready to accept remarks from one commenter (with a posting name that makes me think of one regular CIDU commenter!) explaining that This is in TeX or LaTeX or MathTeX. They use backslash all the time, for various things including, say , names for symbols. So the “\\in” you see in the top line produces an “element of” symbol…

Whether we can then go on to say that the represented math might be defining “line segment” or something like that, I can’t venture. We can’t go further, it looks like we’ve reached, erm, reached the terminus …

No-Politics Zone Thanksgivings

Both from 11/26/2020, and submitted by Andréa. Post originally assembled by Winter Wallaby.

Kilby adds: The climate has been changing in recent years, as this Crabgrass strip shows:

And a 2023 addition that seems to hew to the original alignment. (Added by ==mitch)

Frank & Ernest

From Jeff Stahler on Monday:

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, November 5th, 2023

This was a CIDU for me for a couple minutes. And I’m still not sure of the intended idea.

BTW, is a clock a standard part of Twister play?

Thanks to Maggie-the-Cartoonist for this Loose Parts LOL:

I don’t know whether this is supposed to be the joke / the point of the cartoon, but I think it’s definitely a brilliant choice to have the meeting for the road-ragers take place safely online!

We weren’t going to discuss it (Random retro LOLs, 2019 or before, Part 1)

This is maybe a bit of a CIDU now?

Also a bit unclear?

Editor’s recent photo

Gorilla with kitten

Saturday Morning OYs – September 2nd, 2023

And another one for official Frankenstein Day:

And one directly addressing the occasion:

This from Chemgal, spotting an OY not in the comic overall but in a particular panel.

That’s right, it’s in what Chemgal calls “the third last panel”. I was going to have a fine old time on how different people, not to mention different nations, have different ways of counting from the back of a series, so the only safe way to label a “third from the end” or “second one from the last” or “position negative 3” is to adopt the technical-looking but easy-enough and safely unambiguous ANTEPENULTIMATE.

Oh but then! — but then I took a closer look, and I think the drawing is misleading, and actually the last panel includes both Adam’s speech balloon “Seriously .. all that?” as well as Katy’s and Clayton’s jibes. So the one with the cute shark tray pun is “second last” … or do you say “next to last”? Or “second back from the end”? Or “first before the last one”? Let’s go with PENULTIMATE!

“We prefer the British spelling diarrhoea as it shows a loss of control of your vowels.”