Saturday Morning OYs – May 11th, 2024

I guess I missed out Part I. This is trying hard, maybe too hard, but deserves to be seen for cheerful persistence even if not really for brilliant OY-ness.

Since this strip seems to offer a pun every day, it is hard not to over-indulge. But this one was immediately right in the OY spirit!

Ohhhh nooo! There is no way to stop at just one!

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, May 05th, 2024

Scammers certainly are getting more creative. I got a “reimbursement” from my Jane Doe, the condo property manager, with the email, which was suspiciously close to her actual email of, and this is a person I occasionally get reimbursements from (luckily as old-school physical checks)

From Dan Piraro’s subscription newsletter, “The Naked Cartoonist“. I’ll conclude with an early collaboration with Wayno; a Bizarro cartoon about red flags in relationships. If only they were this obvious in real life!

“The government taking us for a ride – the Rides of April”

The short form deserves a geezer alert, as it was discontinued years ago. There’s a 1040-SR now for seniors — the only difference is that it’s printed in larger type. , the instructions to file an extension, might come in handy if you’re like this woman.

It’s not going to work, Larry.

Actual error message from on the day tax forms (and estimated payments) were due, April 17, 2018. Not funny. Note the difference in the set of dates cited for the outage.

Actual IRS tax tips, if you need last minute help: including, for example, ways to pay over time.

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, April 14th, 2024

Why is this not a CIDU? Because it clears up when you realize that named artist is real, and learn even the first thing about them. Here’s Wikipedia: ” Lucio Fontana was an Argentine-Italian painter, sculptor and theorist. He’s known as the founder of Spatialism and exponent of abstract painting as the first known artist to slash his canvases – which symbolizes an utter rejection of all prerequisites of art.”

Diamond Lil departs from their pun-a-day usual practice, and gives us a nicely planned meta.

A well-executed entry in the own-petard category.

Featured Image (at top)
Concetto spaziale, Attese, 1965
Lucio Fontana

Snacking in Style?

travelgirl and Boise Ed and Mdbrownmd all sent this in.

“I suppose that Wayno is contrasting the formalwear with the casual floral shirts that TJ people wear at work. That’s the closest I can come to discerning a joke here.”

“Am i dense for an inability to understand the caption as it relates to the visual? the couple appear to be married, formally-dressed, watching TV while eating food “well-dressed” people probably aren’t going to order often, at least not while wearing gowns and tuxedos…

And why Trader Joe’s? please help enlighten someone who just woke up a few minutes ago 🙂 “

“I just don’t get it, and I shop at Trader Joe’s all the time.”

Saturday Morning OYs – March 23rd, 2024

Have you heard about the notorious guy who had secret families in multiple places on his travel schedule? By the time he was found out, he had fathered enough kids to be called in the tabloids The 21-Son Galoot.

And from that same Wayno plus his senior partner, Dan Piraro in Bizarro: