Sitting around the laughing stick (Random retro LOLs, 2019 or before, Part 2)

Cleaning out old file storage services

An old favorite!





Another old favorite

As so often with “Viivi and Wagner”, the thesis seems to be that men are pigs…


Sunday Funnies – LOLs, April 9th, 2023

Thanks to Steve S. This is paradigmatic LOL+Ewww!

In the U.S., the deadline for filing income tax is rapidly approaching.

Yes, this was another of those blasted .avif’s!

Even worse than the cartoon-biology here, if you ask me, is the crazy personal dynamic.

Thanks to Mark M for suggesting this Far Side. Can we answer his question about what dialogue or caption or drawn element could go where the bystander’s hand is blocking it out, to make this one of the funniest cartoons ever.


Some content on this page was disabled on July 27, 2023 as a result of a DMCA takedown notice from FarWorks, Inc. You can learn more about the DMCA here:

Celebrating the Cat Days of September

After the Dog Days of August, shouldn’t we have the Cat Days of September? Yes, this is an entirely made-up term, but it’s an excuse to post a few cat-related cartoons and see some of the various ways cats are portrayed in comics. Here’s a couple of Business Cats from LarK:

Garfield is possibly the most popular cartoon cat, so here’s one that may be a bit more timely than most, since ketchup’s been in the news lately.

This Get Fuzzy almost deserves a geezer tag, since soccer is now much more popular in the U.S. than it was a few decades ago and most of us can appreciate the action (or, at least, the theatrics of players barely touched pretending they are severely wounded).

A+? Who cares!

And what long-time cat owner hasn’t had one or two who preferred to stay hidden?

But at the other extreme we have the lively and intrusive cuties of Breaking Cat News:

No tour of various ways cats make their way into comics would be complete without one from B. Kliban.

That’s 8; we’ll leave our cartoon cats with one of their 9 lives left.

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, March 6th, 2022

A link-only reference to this Medusa Far Side:

That’s quite a surprise!

“Thought I was being ghosted.”

A slightly Ewww-flavored LOL:

This might take a moment as a Quickie-CIDU before resolving as a LOL:

Bliss has been running an excellent series with the dog and/or cat in anthropomorphized domestic settings. Here is a good example:

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, February 21st, 2021

In your circle of friends, child-raising experts, and ethicists, what generally is the next step in thinking from that kind of statement?

Spacer with multicolor segments spacer4 divider

Special section on Policing

And this Whamond was picked up from Arnold Zwicky’s blog, which also discusses the “grammar police” construction for our convenience.