Sunday Funnies – LOLs, November 26th, 2023

Ewww-LOL here. Or Aaaggghhh-ewwww-lol?

“It’s not a snowman. It’s my grandpa, who froze last night.”

Kilby writes: This was a CIDU until I zoomed in to read the title panel and get a better view of the dummy:

Pick your religion:

But no, kids are NOT that stupid!

One for the cat people here.


But maybe the hippo would enjoy Dance of the Hours more!

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, July 16th, 2023

A pair from Maggiethecartoonist, who liked the recent Farcus and noted that it reminded her of the older Far Side.

… And Maggie asked the question which also reminded the editors of at least the title of They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (1969), a film which made quite a splash in its time but isn’t much mentioned these days.

Speaking of Farcus, Targuman sent in this one, and asks “do you think he has written in the dust on the windshields or used a paint pen?”

Names given in first panel are maybe necessary, since we won’t see a face.

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… GoComics doesn’t pay anybody to look over old comics scheduled for rerunning to see whether they belong in 2019 newspapers (or even on the GoComics website). At least once a year, there’s a Mutt and Jeff that make us say “Oh, hell no…”

I’m not advocating censorship, or in any way making the old strips cease to exist. Put them in collections. Have a Mutt and Jeff archive site. But some strips really don’t belong in the general daily feed.

(And this is far from the most cringeworthy example)

Rattle Rattle


Okay, first of all, how old were you when you learned not to try to open a locked bathroom door when somebody’s inside? Three? Seriously, dude, it’s a locked bathroom door.

And second, maybe equally creepy, that expression on his face at the thought of seeing Janis shaving her legs. Even if we’re talking about Brazilian. Still. She’s shaving her legs. Is this some sort of fetish? Has she been deliberately denying him the opportunity to see her shaving her legs for the last 30-odd years so he’d build it up in his mind as the ultimate erotic experience?