Saturday Morning OYs – May 11th, 2024

I guess I missed out Part I. This is trying hard, maybe too hard, but deserves to be seen for cheerful persistence even if not really for brilliant OY-ness.

Since this strip seems to offer a pun every day, it is hard not to over-indulge. But this one was immediately right in the OY spirit!

Ohhhh nooo! There is no way to stop at just one!

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, March 24th, 2024

A nice Thurber shout-out here. And do you agree the Bliss dogs bear a resemblance to Thurber dogs?

And for fun let’s compare the color version:

I’d say the color is nicer as a mild-humor comic, but the Thurber book identity is obscured.

But no, I can’t figure out what the pairings and lines are doing. It’s certainly not the standard March Madness sort of bracketting. Maybe if I had reread the book at some point in the last 50 years I would do better. … OK, here’s a help page. Wait, how can it fail to mention Dorothea’s nickname, “Dodo”?

Oh, oh, oh! I think I know!

A LOL-Ewww of questionable taste, from Lug Nuts

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, February 4th, 2024

TBH, this Rae the Doe isn’t really a LOL; but it needed to go in a list-post as not fully justifying a standalone daily post or even a bonus. What’s special about it is that you don’t often see a genuinely informative infographic as panel or strip of a regular comic (that is, excluding those that purport to bring you facts every day). Also, the artist’s note is endearingly unassertive, as usual (yes, she does put in notes somewhat often).

Happy Belated National Peanut Butter Day (January 24th).

BCN does Alice!

No, I kan’t make any sense of this Calvin and Hobbes:

Saturday Morning OYs – January 6th, 2024

Have you kept count for how many times this joke has come up this week?

Woops! Turns out this is now the third appearance of this “kerning pun” (as jjmcgaffey called it) on CIDU in one path or another. 

This fun Rubes from a few years ago was brought to our attention by Professor Jerry Coyne (a big supporter of ducks) on his Why Evolution is True web site (blog, but he doesn’t like it called that).

As reported by The Daily Cartoonist (but nowhere visible at, Patrick McDonnell has announced that he will be taking a six-month sabbatical to work on other projects, and that (almost all of) the strips from now to June will be re-runs (note the absence of any year in the copyright line on this one).

Saturday Morning OYs – December 16th, 2023

Frank & Ernest

And Boise Ed provides another One Big Happy:

And Jack Applin suggests this Phoebe and her Unicorn:

(This is apparently the first appearance of this strip in a CIDU post; so far it has only been mentioned a few times in comments.)

Jack further comments, “I was astonished to learn that, according to Wikipedia, all of the *core really exist: