Sunday Funnies – LOLs, March 24th, 2024

A nice Thurber shout-out here. And do you agree the Bliss dogs bear a resemblance to Thurber dogs?

And for fun let’s compare the color version:

I’d say the color is nicer as a mild-humor comic, but the Thurber book identity is obscured.

But no, I can’t figure out what the pairings and lines are doing. It’s certainly not the standard March Madness sort of bracketting. Maybe if I had reread the book at some point in the last 50 years I would do better. … OK, here’s a help page. Wait, how can it fail to mention Dorothea’s nickname, “Dodo”?

Oh, oh, oh! I think I know!

A LOL-Ewww of questionable taste, from Lug Nuts

Saturday Morning OYs – February 10th, 2024

An Awww:

Ooops, accidental repeat! This was already here in the OY list, when the Lard came along and triggered the Thursday quasi-synchronicity post. And we forgot to delete this occurrence.

There was a “Save the Naugas” movement! (Was that the Car Talk bros? Um, no, they were doing “Save the Skeets”.)

Here in the mid-South Side neighborhood around the University of Chicago, we think of this fabled pair as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-Park.

Thanks to Chemgal for sending in this Frazz, a good combo OY/LOL.

For what happens if you mix probiotics and antibiotics, see

Hey, what an interesting odd combo of meta and straight-up OY!

Saturday Morning OYs – February 3rd, 2024

Love that Monty Crisco! (But I don’t know what typo on Nesselrode Pie would be likely, or funny.)

Always go for consistency!

And a P.S. from B.C.

He tries just about every day, so why not give in and post one now and then.

Growing up, I knew only two pasta shapes: spaghetti, for spaghetti and meatballs, and macaroni, for macaroni and cheese. Imagine my surprise to find such an endless variety of shapes coming out of the extruder. And tortellini! And soba! And rice noodles! Now there’s chickpea pasta, etc. It’s a wide, wild world out there.

Just pasta these comics is a place to comment on your own favorite shape/type.

A synchronicity here, with two Dante-themed comics on the same day. What a Paradiso!

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, January 14th, 2024

Zippy feeling just a bit meta.

And a semi-CIDU for this same couple:

The question being: Is the guy just pushing his point by selecting a random term meant to be absurd, or else do they maybe have something (like a remote, or an ashtray, …) which is actually crafted to look like a Stegosaurus?

Why not start off Sunday with a bit of math? Roughly how old is she?

This is Frazz’s Sunday intro panel for January 7th. Mallett posts these on Facebook. Otherwise, I’d never see them because GoComics doesn’t use the intro panels, for reasons I don’t understand.