Saturday Morning OYs – July 15th, 2023

Diamond Lil seems to do a pun every day. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t from time to time pick out some striking ones to recognize.

This OY-Ewww was suggested by Maggiethecartoonist, who points out that the apparent Ewww element is based on a misunderstanding of what happens in what the Romans termed a vomitorium.

Nice, the way the at-first-hidden generalized your makes the whole thing work.

We had marked “Unintended Arlo” but really now, how can that not be meant?


  1. Just in case it helps anyone to fill in the specifics, what Maggie and apparently the editors here are referring to re the Blazek, is that “vomitorium” for the Romans was NOT a place where people went to barf, but rather an architectural term for something like the exit corridors of a stadium.

    It’s not clear to me whether the cartoonist is relying on the mistaken belief.

  2. @ Dana K (1) – I think it’s pretty clear that the mistaken identification is exactly what Blazek was depending upon for his gag. Otherwise, the guy in the toga would be living next door to a door.

    P.S. I was wondering whether the girl’s head in Melcher’s “That is Priceless” had been squeezed by a bad scan†, or possibly by the resampling process in wordpress, but the parrot seems normal, and the original image at GoComics confirms that she’s just someone with an odd horizontal perspective. However, I think I would have associated Melcher’s caption with a completely different image:

  3. It seems to me that at the end of a major event at the Coliseum, the noise from the actual vomitorium would be plenty loud.

  4. P.P.S. † – There is definitely something odd about the “Luann Again” strip, but I discovered that the horizontal “squeeze” is increased even more by the WP frame (comparing portrait to landscape mode on a tablet). Let’s see if the embedded image shows up in its “normal” width:

  5. P.P.P.S. I would also like to applaud McPherson for a rare good joke unencumbered by any ugliness in his artwork. He has even (finally) adopted halftone dot grids for shading, which is a major improvement. The name of the place on the sign is OK, the only thing he might have added would have been to choose a different name (with a hidden pun) for the director.

    P.P.P.P.S. The Inbox/Outbox meme reminded me of a similar comic that was posted back in September:


  6. @ Dana K (5) – Maybe I am mistaken, but I had assumed that the pronoun in the strip would have made it clear that Frank was not referring to you.

    P.S. As long as we are disowning responsibility, I had absolutely nothing to do with the sudden shrinkage of the Luann strip at the bottom of the post. Up to a few minutes ago, it was much larger.

  7. Yeah, not only was Frank falsely trying to blame me for the latest episode of his golf addiction, he isn’t even a good enough friend to respect my pronouns!

  8. Kilby @2: it took me awhile to process why you chose that picture as going better with the caption — I was too concerned about it no longer being a parrot to notice the change in pun.

  9. The character (I think he is Quentin) is a lugworm! (And the gull is Ollie.) The head mirror probably is an old-fashioned signifier for medical personnel.

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