Stupor Bowl LoL

This cartoon by Travor Spaulding was originally published in The New Yorker four years ago, but it is still appropriate for today:

Jeff Millar wrote, and Bill Hinds drew this Tank McNamara strip as part of a widespread tribute to Charles Schulz on 27-May-2000:

Coincidentally, this year’s event (LVIII) will be the first ever held in (or at least near) Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, November 5th, 2023

This was a CIDU for me for a couple minutes. And I’m still not sure of the intended idea.

BTW, is a clock a standard part of Twister play?

Thanks to Maggie-the-Cartoonist for this Loose Parts LOL:

I don’t know whether this is supposed to be the joke / the point of the cartoon, but I think it’s definitely a brilliant choice to have the meeting for the road-ragers take place safely online!