Sunday Funnies – LOLs, May 19th, 2024

Some comics with socks appeal:


From the “Wisdom from the Funny Papers” Department. Sometimes a “cry for help” must be responded to with help. Sometimes when “they’re just doing that for attention” the humane response includes paying attention.

BTW, Maritsa Patrinos of the Six Chix now has her own separate strip, called Working Cats and appearing at Comics Kingdom.

I thought this was going to be about sentence-adverbs; but it was better than that. (Hopefully, everybody remembers what the controversies and pseudo-rules about sentence-adverbs were.)

No, I don’t see a joke here. But also I can’t say there’s supposed to be one, so it’s not really a CIDU. So let’s just take a minute to admire the artistry here. Such draughtsmanship! That ice-cliff shows us both distance and height, even while a whole surface is devoid of detail.


  1. And yes, the Michelin restaurant guide was started by the tire company, to promote driving around (wearing out tires) trying out new eateries.

  2. The Michelin one is pretty cute. Just yesterday, I heard that a taco join in México was awarded a Michelin star.

  3. @ dvandom (2) – I saw a very interesting report in “Karambolage” about the “Michelin Guide” (skip forward to 4:45, but the video is available only in French or German). For the first 20 years, the guides were handed out free to anyone who bought the tires, and they were more like a AAA map, with tips about where people could get repairs and buy gas. Michelin didn’t start awarding restaurant stars until the 1930s.

    P.S. @ Boise Ed (6) – I was amused by the Taco Star as well, but I wonder whether the owner will consider it a blessing or a curse. It has been operating for over 55 years, and must have already been doing comfortably well. Now there will be an unbelievable deluge of tourists wanting to try it.

  4. Except, if Spanish is like Portuguese, “bastante”, while meaning “enough”, can be understood as “a lot”, much like saying he isn’t half scared means he’s really, really scared.

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