Sunday Funnies – LOLs, February 25th, 2024

This Bizarro was about a 10-minute CIDU for your editors.

But a week later, this one could be seen as retroactively helpful:

There was a study of corporate annual reports some years ago. It found that when things were going well for a company, active voice was used, e.g. “We increased our sales over X% …”. When things were going poorly, passive voice was used, e.g. “Sales were negatively impacted by …”

I never order these in a restaurant. I assume they have a similar constitution to the McDonald’s McRib, which is just restructured shredded pork with fake grill marks. Am I wrong?

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, June 18th, 2023

Here are a few laughs from maggiethecartoonist, including a couple of Garfields:

Since the latest Windows 11 update, the face recognition to automatically sign me in to my PC has been hit-and-miss, and yes, it IS worrying me! (zbicyclist)

Basic Instructions went on a pause of new comics in 2015 and GoComics ran only reruns, for several years. Earlier this year (I think) he brought it back, after trying out a few new strips and making a few alterations to the style and framing. IMO the new run is going well! ==mitch

One aspect that changed was that he aged the appearance of several characters. This image below is one GoComics uses in the corner of their page for this comic. The guy on the left is of course Scott himself, and comparing the old version lets us note that the new version has gained the glasses, the graying beard, and something of a belly under that same black tee shirt. (The person on the right is a different character in the two cases.)

Scott Metzger revisits a comic he did ten years ago. We were going to save it for next week’s OY list, but then realized it should be squeezed in for Fathers’ Day.

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