Saturday Morning OYs – February 10th, 2024

An Awww:

Ooops, accidental repeat! This was already here in the OY list, when the Lard came along and triggered the Thursday quasi-synchronicity post. And we forgot to delete this occurrence.

There was a “Save the Naugas” movement! (Was that the Car Talk bros? Um, no, they were doing “Save the Skeets”.)

Here in the mid-South Side neighborhood around the University of Chicago, we think of this fabled pair as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-Park.

Thanks to Chemgal for sending in this Frazz, a good combo OY/LOL.

For what happens if you mix probiotics and antibiotics, see

Hey, what an interesting odd combo of meta and straight-up OY!

Saturday Morning Oys – May 14th, 2022 

An Oy from Andréa:

Oy by virtue of wordplay, broadly speaking

At Arnold Zwicky’s Blog he analyzes this and discusses previous comics uses of the same pun.

A trio-oy from Andréa:

But I have told my cats they are not truly brother and sisters. Even though I need to say “Now be nicer to your little sister!”