1. The Close to Home header and overall design was interesting to see! 

    But the date, apparently 1994(?), made me hesitate for half a mo’ over whether the thrust of the joke is affected by taking inflation into account. But on reflection, I think it doesn’t change anything — then as now, $50 is nowhere near covering lunch for that whole crowd. 

  2. This is a great collection, with a great headline.

    Mitch4: your comic did pretty well. There was only one OT, but it <b>was</b> only the second OT game in 58 (LVIII) SB games. And T&T just hugged and kissed ad nauseum, not wed. I haven’t a clue what Usher did; I used that time to get some chores done.

  3. That Peanuts strip was borrowed for the TV/videocassette special “You’re in the Super Bowl Charlie Brown”! I never knew that gag appeared in an actual Peanuts strip.

  4. “The saddest day of the last guy’s life was March 28, 1984.”

    You’re assuming he was a Baltimore Colts fan. Given his apparent age he’d more likely be an Indianapolis Colts fan, and be remembering the 2007 victory.

  5. Robert is not a fan of sports.

    (If I have told this before, my apologies.) Decades ago the Superbowl would be on Sunday afternoon on the east coast. We would be walking around in stores during the day (because that was what we did on Sundays) and the game would be on TV in the various department stores which carried TV sets. He would walk around and the change the channel on all the sets he could - to anything else. 

    Now, having said he is not a fan of sports – he has been to 2 Yankees World Series games – wayyyyy back – 1950s or 60s. His dad would get invited by a client or such who would say something like ” You bring your son and I’ll bring mine.” So they would go to the games. 

    And of course when a group of his friends (mixed men and women) decided to go to a Mets game he was going along – and brought me also- this is back in the early mid 1970s. I should have been suspicious when I heard the price of the tickets. Have I ever mentioned I am afraid of heights?… Yeah, the tickets were in the nosebleed section. I couldn’t not go to the seats – only alternative would been to find our car and sit in a hot car for hours alone – so up I went. I mostly sat through the game with my eyes closed. Luckily he had a friend called “Big Al” – one of the nicest fellows I have met. Al was tall and Al was on the hefty size. He walked in front of me down one step at a time so I could not see how high up I was as I walked down the stairs in the stadium when it was time to leave.  

  6. So I couldn’t figure out what Brian was on about @7, I even clicked through and read the next day’s strip, and then the previous days’; aside from them having Valentine’s Day on the 11th (I know, it was a Sunday), I got nothin’. I even read some of the comments there.

    Then, just as I was giving up, I finally saw what he was referring to, on the back of the newspaper depicted, faint and hard to read: “Lincoln Birthday Sale”

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