Saturday Morning OYs – July 1st, 2023

An Argyle Sweater from maggiethecartoonist

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  1. Before you go calling something Baloney as a disparagement, consider that the University of Bologna is probably the world’s most venerable institution of higher learning, or anyhow the oldest. As Wikipedia would have it:

    University of Bologna
    Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
    Seal of the University of Bologna.svg

    Latin: Universitas Bononiensis

    University of bologna wordmark svg.svg
    The University of Bologna (Italian: Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, UNIBO) is a public research university in Bologna, Italy. Founded in 1088 by an organised guild of students (studiorum), it is the oldest university in continuous operation in the world, and the first degree-awarding institution of higher learning. At its foundation, the word universitas was first coined.[3][4][5] With over 90,000 students, it is the second-largest university in Italy after La Sapienza in Rome.[6]

  2. Ha, good image-pun Maggie!

    Here is the image embedded so you don’t need to click on a link.

  3. Fairly high on our Get A Round Tuite list is posting a FAQ or Help page including an explanation of how to get Word Press to show an image in a Comment.

    But yours did work to embed! I didn’t see that at first because I clicked and got a whole page, but in the normal view it was the image. Sorry for my “correction”!

    The main thing is that it needs to be a URL that goes directly to the image itself (so not, for instance, to a page that includes the image but perhaps other stuff). Also it should be a “plain, simple” URL with nothing but alphanumeric text and slashes, no db queries (question marks) or parameters (equal signs, plus signs), etc. Also, it needs to end with the filetype suffix of an image type (such as .gif, .jpeg, .png, etc) — for GoComics “asset” URLs that end with a hex code, add an image filetype suffix. Finally, it seems to help to put the URL on a line of its own in the comment submission text box.

    Maggie’s URL was `` which I thought would not work, because of the question mark and display parameter for the width. But WP has become more accepting, and this worked fine.

  4. @ Maggie – I’m sure that lots of other people have used the same groaner pun, but I have a friend in Oregon who really did name her “soccer mom” transport vehicle “Vincent“.

  5. Maybe knowing that an angiogram is an X-ray study of blood flow in arteries and veins?

  6. Ha! Good one larK.

    Maybe the lab coat guy is asking his neighbor for help on a word in the crossword puzzle on his clipboard? …I got nothin’.

  7. Like a telegram delivered to your door, the doctor is delivering an angiogram.

  8. The Van one doesn’t work for me, as we say Van Goff round these parts (and neither Van Go nor Van Goff reflect the true Dutch sound).

    And I don’t think may people here (UK), if any, would see Bologna and verbally or mentally pronounce it Baloney; it’s always Bohloh-Nya, near as I can get it.

  9. “Angiogram!”
    “Oh, is it a singing angiogram? I always wanted to get a singing angiogram!”
    “No, it’s a normal angiogram.”
    “Oh darn. I always wanted to get a singing angiogram. Can you sing it for me anyway?”
    “I’ll try. …

    Should auld acquaintance be forgot
    and never brought to mind,
    you’re going to have a heart attack.
    It will be the blood-clot kind.”

  10. I’ve been told it’s pronounced as if you have a pad of steel wool stuck in your throat.

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