Sunday Funnies – LOLs, June 18th, 2023

Here are a few laughs from maggiethecartoonist, including a couple of Garfields:

Since the latest Windows 11 update, the face recognition to automatically sign me in to my PC has been hit-and-miss, and yes, it IS worrying me! (zbicyclist)

Basic Instructions went on a pause of new comics in 2015 and GoComics ran only reruns, for several years. Earlier this year (I think) he brought it back, after trying out a few new strips and making a few alterations to the style and framing. IMO the new run is going well! ==mitch

One aspect that changed was that he aged the appearance of several characters. This image below is one GoComics uses in the corner of their page for this comic. The guy on the left is of course Scott himself, and comparing the old version lets us note that the new version has gained the glasses, the graying beard, and something of a belly under that same black tee shirt. (The person on the right is a different character in the two cases.)

Scott Metzger revisits a comic he did ten years ago. We were going to save it for next week’s OY list, but then realized it should be squeezed in for Fathers’ Day.

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  1. There is … something … very off-putting about the characters in Metzger’s panel. Is that normal for him?

  2. Well, the half on the left was a b/w sketch from ten years ago.

    But yes, the characters as they appear on the right look much as his characters usually do. It’s comicstown, Powers.

  3. @ Powers – The archive at Metzger’s website seems to indicate that all of his characters sport that wild-eyed “I just overdosed on amphetamines” look (exactly like Leonard in that Far Side panel).

    P.S. The manager’s line in the last panel of the “Adult Children” strip (in the supermarket) was a little too clumsy and erudite for the gag. Instead of “…admonish or praise you“, it would have worked better if she had said “…fire or promote you“, or possibly “…fire you or give you a raise“.

    P.P.S. @ zbicyclist – So how do we know that the comment about “Zits” actually came from you, and not just someone who looks like you?

    P.P.P.S. @ Mitch – Scott Meyer ressurected “Basic Instructions” from the grave fifteen months ago, on Wed-30-Mar-2022.

  4. @ Maggie – As much as I dislike execution humor, the gag in that Loose Parts panel is that the Mafia boss is eliminating his interior designer with “porcelain overshoes”, instead of pouring the cement into the traditional galvanized pail.

  5. Well it’s not just the eyes, though the mom appears to be staring into space rather than looking at her daughter. It’s also the size and shape of their mouths, the unnatural hand positions, the very well defined bust line on the mother…

  6. Maggie, sorry to hear about email difficulties. As it happens, we did send you a message about the “pedestal sink” Loose Parts — with an explanation pretty much just like the one Kilby provides here in the Comments feed. I still lightly wonder whether it was these guys’ idea, or the Boss’s order, to choose “ironically” to use the offending bathroom furnishing this way.

  7. @ Mitch – Actually, the point of my PPPS was not the date correction, but the link to the “re-awakening” strip, which was an excellent piece of “meta” cartoonmansship. I should have embedded it to make sure that everyone sees it:

    P.S. The subsequent “April Fool’s” strip is very good, too:

  8. Yes, I followed the link and enjoyed flipping thru several strips from that re-awakening time. Glad to see a couple of them embedded now too.

  9. @ Editors – THANK YOU (!) for mentioning that the last comic was “…squeezed in for Fathers’ Day“. In Germany, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the same day as in the US, but Father’s Day is celebrated (here) on Ascension Thursday. I had no idea that today was the “Third Sunday in June” until I read that note. So I called all my relevant relatives, wished them all a “” Happy Father’s Day”, and never needed to admit that I had completely forgotten the whole thing.

  10. “School Picture, Early Days” was a real thing. There’s a character in one of Dickens’ books who is a miniature painter. That is, a painter of miniature portraits just like this artist. Yes, a tiny easel was involved, but there are more ergonomic ways to sit while working.

  11. The humor in those two Garfield strips is hardly sophisticated, and the “aliens” in the first strip look more like “Plankton” from “Sponge Bob”, but I’m more interested in the title cards in each of the first panels. I like the one in the first strip (it reminds me vaguely of Mondrian), but I absolutely detest the “rapper” costume in the second one. This is a clear case of “orangewashing”: they didn’t even leave the natural Black outlines that Garfield normally possesses (which leaves the whole character in a pastel mess).

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