Bashing on the Drummer

We discussed this first Macanudo strip (in both languages) in the “Macanudo Road” post in April:

At the time I thought that Liniers changed the name of the leader because Ringo is still alive (and John isn’t), but a pair of subsequent strips give me the impression that he just likes bashing on drummers:

(Of course, this strip has absolutely nothing to do with the way nor why Best was actually dumped from the Beatles.)

Just like the first strip above, the question here is “Why Ringo?” (Perhaps he is supposed to be the one with the lowest level of awareness-enhancing substances in his system?)


  1. Ringo is the one with the most unmistakably Beatles name, so it works just in case the visuals are not enough.

  2. I don’t follow what you mean by the name being changed to Ringo. In the English version at the linked earlier CIDU entry, no name is used or suggested. Was there some other version where it said John?

  3. Well, okay. I guess….

    Actually, no. You can’t identify them individually in this drawing.

  4. IHNTA, but I love that the third penguin, presumably “Paul,” is out of step!

  5. In the Beatles movies, Ringo was always the one who kind of started the plot. Old Fred found him first in Yellow Submarine, the cult wanted his ring in Help, and he had the longest solo bit in Hard Days Night where he walked around depressed.

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