Saturday Morning OYs – February 3rd, 2024

Love that Monty Crisco! (But I don’t know what typo on Nesselrode Pie would be likely, or funny.)

Always go for consistency!

And a P.S. from B.C.

He tries just about every day, so why not give in and post one now and then.

Growing up, I knew only two pasta shapes: spaghetti, for spaghetti and meatballs, and macaroni, for macaroni and cheese. Imagine my surprise to find such an endless variety of shapes coming out of the extruder. And tortellini! And soba! And rice noodles! Now there’s chickpea pasta, etc. It’s a wide, wild world out there.

Just pasta these comics is a place to comment on your own favorite shape/type.

A synchronicity here, with two Dante-themed comics on the same day. What a Paradiso!


  1. On the Dustin IT comic: One of my favorite IT acronyms is PEBCAK, which means “problem exists between chair and keyboard”.

  2. Depends on whether you’re willing to accept stuff like “thing” or “anything,” or if you insist on something that has “-uh-thing” in it. (Frothing doesn’t really work despite the spelling.) If I had to rhyme it in a poem, I’d go a near-rhyme like “shushing”.

    Rotelle is probably my favorite pasta shape, but it’s no longer carried by any of the grocery chains, I’d need to go with online (and likely expensive, artisanal) varieties to get it. The gears shape sold by Moderna doesn’t quite cut it. Some microwave pasta-and-cheese brands use the shape, but I had one too many bad experiences with such products having bad freezer burn. 

  3. @dvandom: “Rotelle is probably my favorite pasta shape”

    That’s a great shape, particularly amusing for kids. You’re right; it seems to have disappeared. I checked my local Jewel (part of the Safeway/Albertsons and soon to be Kroger empire) and they don’t carry it in the stores. You have to order it online for about $60 for 12 boxes (12 lb)

  4. Wait, what about vermicelli?

    Whenever I hear that old canard about Inuit having x-number of words for snow, I think (and often say) ‘Not as many as Italians have for pasta’.

  5. Oddly, vermicelli is one that has disappeared from that store. I have to get either thin spaghetti or angel hair. Next time I am at the other supermarket chain I will need to check. I don’t go there often because no stores are convenient.

  6. On his 4 Feb Bizarro blog, Dan Piraro comments on this Dante Bizarro: “I visited Dante’s house in Florence last year. His decor style was surprisingly museum-like.”

  7. Ah pasta! Cooked up a batch of Robert’s family’s tomato gravy (never sauce – it is called gravy) tonight as we were out and he wanted to have sausage and pasta for dinner. He taught me how to make it many decades ago. It has to be made exactly as before – well, can vary the brand of canned tomatoes and small cans of sauce added to make – but only within limits.

    Yeah, right – back when we were first married I followed the recipe exactly. Diagnosed with Diabetes? Sugar cut out of it little by little to none added any longer. Only one brand name – hey, using Walmart brand now much of the time (less expensive and easier to find. Cooked slowly for hours and served the next day after reheating – Tonight cooked it in about an hour. 

    “Make the other kind of pasta – not spaghetti. Ziti would be good.” – I think we ended up with penne as the box was already started” 

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