1. Powers, I think they’re both New Yorker-ish comments on the world. The Bliss is that he’s lonely; the Chast is just, well, crazy street people.

  2. @ Phil (2) – Thanks for the explanation of the Bliss comic: I thought his spouse had left him with a cruel comment.

  3. At first I misunderstood the first of the descriptions / labels in the Roz Chast. Clearly it means the woman pictured is mad because she herself is not Dylan. But I couldn’t shake another reading, where the she means some famous female musician, probably Taylor Swift who currently is much in the news and the subject of many an essay-blatherer. But I couldn’t make sense of the mad woman’s Dylan expectation of her.

  4. The “LEFT BLANK” text in the first comic is off-center.
    I wonder if someone on the street will be angry about it.

  5. I’m not angry that ‘The Wizard of Oz’ is fiction.
    Just very disappointed with Reality.

  6. @Dana K.: “Have those divider lines always tried to be color coordinated?”

    When I edit, I just grab the first one I can find.

    The policy might change if ROY G. BIV becomes an editor.

  7. The sign works better than in the IBM manual. “This space intentionally left blank” refers to the sleeping space, not the sign itself. “This page intentionally left blank” refers to the page which is definitely not blank because it has “This page intentionally left blank” on it.

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