1. Yes, I understood that; the remarks to the dog were meant to let it know we find him as irritating as the squirrel. Do you get any sense that their functions are being differentiated? Which might be for the good… Or not.

  2. P.S. I showed that DSotH to my son, but even before he saw the second panel, he countered me with: “What does ‘IDK’ & ‘IDC’ mean?

    P.P.S. “I don’t know and I don’t care.

  3. @ Dana (5) – Thanks for pointing that out. I wasn’t misspelling it on purpose; but I may have been subconsciously guided by the author’s title panel:

    P.S. I’ve fixed the name and linked it above (@1 & @4).

  4. “I found the SpeedBump to be really wonderful; my mind just floated around through the complexity.”
    I really liked the “those who observe” part. When I worked for our local University in the outreach type job doing tech in nearby public schools, because one of our founders / supervisors was a Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics, our project office was (in different ways over time) housed in science buildings with the A&A department. When they had their own building, though there were no telescopes, there were several Observation rooms with high-speed links to observatories and special computer workstations with facilities to control telescopes and save massive data. These were in the lower level — so with the faculty roughly divided into observers and theoreticians, the observers tended to take offices in the lower level so they could be close to the Observation Rooms. Some of them thought this a delicious irony, that the observers were underground.

  5. @ Boise Ed (9) – While this is perfectly true (that the squirrel occasionally adds to the humor), there are also isolated episodes of Sponge Bob Squarepants that are brilliantly written, with sophisticated humor in them. The problem is that in both cases, you have to wade through an overwhelming amount of drivel to get to the gems.

    P.S. When the old CIDU server went up in smoke (Dec. 2017), it was in the spirit of his general antipathy toward a certain rodent that led CIDU Bill to name the newly established server as godaddyandthesquirrelmustbothdie. The visible URL has (recently) been changed to “cidu.info”, but for technical reasons, Bill’s interminable name still lives on (for example, in the URLs used to embed images in posts).

  6. DSotH reminds me of a joke that goes something like:
    What do you call a person who’s both ignorant and indifferent?
    Answer – I don’t know and I don’t care.

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