Sunday Funnies – LOLs, August 20th, 2023

Here’s an LOL from Shoe that your editors didn’t take notice of until it was featured on The Comics Curmudgeon. Thanks, Josh / Uncle Lumpy!

Posted with comment “Oh, the irony!”


  1. That “Shoe” reminded me of a story about a couple who named their kids “Eeny”, “Meeny”, “Miney”, and “Harold”. Why “Harold”? Because they didn’t want no moe.

  2. As a delighted father of two admirable women, I find the Shoe strip more sad than funny. The time to decide you don’t want kids is before you have them. I never had a moment of regret, except perhaps not having one or two more.

  3. I wonder if anyone besides us geezers remembers Edward Lear, the poet from the late 19th century. He wrote about an environmentally friendly gentleman:

    There was an Old Man with a beard,
    Who said, “It is just as I feared!–
    Two Owls and a Hen,
    Four Larks and a Wren,
    Have all built their nests in my beard!”

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