1. Of course the Energy / mass formula has nothing to do with any of it, apart from bringing in Einstein and letting them toss in some almost-plausible relativistic concerns. But then we note the twins, and think “Twins Paradox!” but no go, here the twins are inseparable. And something like a time dilation effect (and different aging rates) must be going on, only it is between the twins and the parents.

    But indeed, as the strip sort of says, that’s more “cartoon physics” than E=mc^2.

  2. Brooke was so eager to start drawing the twins with curves he decided to accelerate the timeline. Dude’s a creep and we should stop giving him attention.

  3. To put the best face on it, Brooke wants to skip over the boring parts of the girls growing up (potty training, zits, etc.) and concentrate on the fun parts. But Powers may be right – the strips in the last two weeks looked a little ménage à trois to me.

  4. I definitely agree with Powers @2; I quit following anything McEldowney wrote several years ago, primarily because his incessent s0ft c0re c0mic p0rn was getting so tediously tiresome.

    P.S. Note that as the girls’ legs grow longer, their pants (and shirts!) get shorter, and that’s not a “relative” comparison, but in “absolute” terms.

  5. Feels like he started with a Twin Paradox gag, then decided that was too obscure for the Beefwits of the Public, and picked the most famous Einstein reference without worrying about if it made sense. After all, the wise and clever Brooke knew and understood the real joke, and that was all that mattered.

  6. Ever since his stroke, Brooke has only done the soft core porn stuff. He doesn’t seem to be able to do any other kinds of stories with puns or punchlines any more. Apparently his daughter helps him up to a point. He hasn’t signed a Pibgorn since his stroke. GoComics ran the old 9CL strips for awhile, and they were refreshing, but they stopped. Like others above, I’ve also given up on 9CL — same ol’, same ol’.

  7. The sad thing is, he’s a very talented artist, and the early 9CL strips demonstrate a keen sense of humor. He’s just been doing it too long. There must be an audience for this, though.

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