Sunday Funnies – LOLs, June 23rd, 2024

Nice variation on a standard cat-behavior joke. (Do you’all remember Business Cat #1?)

I’d call this Andertoons just about perfect!

Hmm, would it be better if the two ideas in the last panel were reversed? First “wonder why” then “and how”?

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  1. That last panel of “Luann” only works in the order it was presented. He can make a snotty comment about the logistics, she has already commented on that in the first panel. Wondering about whether they want to have kids is something only she can do, coming from him it would seem like meddling.

    P.S. I liked Luann better when it was a loosely scripted “gag-a-day” strip, I would never follow it now that it has devolved into a soap opera.

  2. Yes, restored at the end of a long journey — he loses some competitive awards, gets oustered from the business where he was once-and-future CEO, and even lives rough for a while. Here in the finale, restored to the top, he still experiences the return of the repressed and can’t help expressing his feline nature.

  3. That’s not her partner, he’s their roommate. And he does not hesitate at coming across as a meddler.

  4. The reason why you have more than one kid is because it gives you an appreciation for genetic variation. And if you think you have parenting figured out with kid #1, you will discover different strategies are needed with kid #2.

    I just got back from a family vacation with our two daughters (+husbands), and their 2 kids each (10, 8, 5, 2), where this was much on display.

    It’s interesting that Kilby mentions both Business Cat and Luann. Business Cat was funny, but ran out of steam. It was likely hard to figure out new angles. Luann has changed a lot over its run, which is clear to me since I get both Luann reruns and Luann in my GoComics feed. I enjoy both, but the cartoonist has evolved the characters to give him new ways to be funny.

    The prototype example of a comic shifting over time is Tom Batiuk’s Funky Winkerbean, which went from gag-a-day to long storylines with few gags over time. (Batiuk also does Crankshaft.)

  5. I enjoy both [old and new Luann], but the cartoonist has evolved the characters to give him new ways to be funny.

    Also he teamed up with his daughter Karen Evans as creative partner.

  6. The Dr Bear one is a well-known old Tommy Cooper joke (and maybe preceded him too): “I went to the doctor the other day, I said: ‘I’ve broken my leg in three places.’ He said: ‘Don’t go to those places.’”

    Cooper has been dead 40 years, so the joke is likely at least 20 years older. Famously, he died on stage on TV; see the Wikipedia article on him: “On 15 April 1984, Cooper collapsed from a heart attack in front of 12 million viewers, midway through his act on the London Weekend Television variety show Live from Her Majesty’s, transmitted live from Her Majesty’s Theatre in Westminster, London.”

    They continued the show as they tried to revive him (behind the curtain). Along with his jokes he was famous for wearing a Fez and doing magical tricks that went (deliberately) wrong.

  7. The Dr. Bear also brings to mind an old song: “He Broke My Heart in Three Places … Chicago, Philadelphia and New York.”

  8. As soon as you mentioned the fez, I knew exactly who you meant. In the old days of cable lots of oddball stuff would run. At some point there were British comedians on something or the other.

  9. For the “Foreshadowing” comic I might have captioned it “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  10. In the comment introducing the Bliss cartoon shouldn’t it be either “you all” or “y’all?”

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