Saturday Morning OYs – June 08th, 2024

Phew, a lot of work to get there!

Indeed, they are said to have a high turnover.

But Day by Dave wasn’t done with punning for the week yet.

Mary Ellen sent this one in. Why backpacking alpacas? Why does everyone look so miserable? And why are the men in what looks like monks’ robes while the alpacas are using folding maps and modern looking backpacks?

It’s somewhere between an OY (wordplay on alpacah and backpackah) and a CIDU.


  1. The first one reminds me of the story about the Jewish entomologist who worked out a classification system for ants, based on the size of the ant from largest to smallest. He classified them by letters of the alphabet — the Hebrew alphabet. So there were Beth ants and Gimel ants and so on. The biggest, of course, were the Aleph ants.

  2. With regards to that last comic, nothing is as it should be. Everything in that comic is deceptive. It’s all just alpaca lies.

  3. If I had to guess, I’d say the people in the alpaca comic are just supposed to provide “distracting clutter.” IE, people have to look more closely to see the joke.

    Which I guess is just the “alpaca-backpacker” similarity.

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