Saturday Morning OYs – February 10th, 2024

An Awww:

Ooops, accidental repeat! This was already here in the OY list, when the Lard came along and triggered the Thursday quasi-synchronicity post. And we forgot to delete this occurrence.

There was a “Save the Naugas” movement! (Was that the Car Talk bros? Um, no, they were doing “Save the Skeets”.)

Here in the mid-South Side neighborhood around the University of Chicago, we think of this fabled pair as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-Park.

Thanks to Chemgal for sending in this Frazz, a good combo OY/LOL.

For what happens if you mix probiotics and antibiotics, see

Hey, what an interesting odd combo of meta and straight-up OY!


  1. The dentist joke reminded me that I heard Sean Connery was a huge tennis fan, and went to Wimbledon every day. Do you know what time he’d always get there?

    (Imagine Sean Connery voice)


  2. @Ed, which cartoon do you mean? There is a Bizarro, which was a recent weekday panel so probably drawn by Wayno but as always co-credited to the original guy Dan Piraro — but not anything from the old separate “Wayno Vision” series. And nothing saying the Bizarro is taken as cute.

    There is the remark at the very top, of “An Awww”. That was meant to apply to the first comic, which is from a strip called FurBabies. … And IMO is pretty cute! Although on reflection, it probably got into the OYs list because someone thought “I weighted enough” involved a pun on “waited” but that isn’t really what’s happening.

  3. I think Boise Ed is referring to the text of the Bizarro/Wayno comic referring to the “grotesquely cute” mascot. I suppose cuteness is in the eye of the beholder, although the idea behind the “save the Naugas” campaign was inspired.

  4. @ guero (7) & Boise Ed (3) – Uniroyal still offers Nauga dolls for sale; I had considered getting one for my daughter several years ago, but I abandoned the idea when I discovered what they actually looked like:

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