1. When I first read the last (TMCM) comic, my eyes (and/or brain) skipped over the word “bad”, which lent the caption a “good/bad” indeterminancy that I thought was intriguing. Just as I was about to mention that, I re-read the caption, and discovered that her changed opinion had been explicitly defined. I think the comic lost something in the process.

    P.S. Frog Applause seems to have gone all-out on confronting those readers who don’t (and/or refuse) to understand the strip.

  2. Me too on the Kliban.

    Also, nachos are plant-based so I don’t get the Climo either.

  3. @UsualJohn: instead of signing the cast, the sculptor is carving it. I don’t find it funny, but I think that’s the point.

    I checked just now: there are in fact AI sex toys for both men and women. (The first DDG result was for women, the second for men.) If I used inappropriate gendered terms: they exist for both vagina-owners and penis-owners.

  4. Powers, that was also my first thought about nachos. But then I remembered that cheese would count as animal product.

  5. My thought on the Climo one is that it doesn’t matter that much that the nachos are nachos. The dish is indeed “plant-based,” because, as the bear says, the base of the platter of food is made up of plants. I think that the rest of it could have been any kind of food that might be considered junk food – pizza, chicken wings, chocolate chip cookies. The meal would still be “plant-based.”

  6. Kilban: He’s carving her face into the plaster (rather than his own), and she looks ticked off because she knows that she is going to be grinding her own nose into the dirt with every step.

    Climo: Besides “vegetarian” (thus appropiate for rabbits), another connotation of “plant-based” is “low calorie” (one might assume that the bear is going on a diet); the gag is that he’s planning to pig out, just like Garfield:

  7. @ Carl Fink – If the A.I. is really that intelligent, one would assume that it should be able to figure out the “gender” issue on its own.

  8. On the Kliban, if he’s the one that put on the cast, why is he drawn like Blaque Jacque Shellaque?

  9. BTW, it’s raining glorious rain here in Chicago, and the plants, especially the trees, are drinking greedily. And it’s washing all the smoke particles out of the air.

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