1. The cartoonist needed something to make it five panels. Bagpipes are as bad as death. It’ll do in a deadline….. actually, maybe he actually thought it was funny as there are plenty more puns that could be made.

  2. Or, slight tweak, PH expects that if he starts playing the bagpipes, someone will kill him?

    I’m surprised there wasn’t a “Nero fiddles while Rome burns” alleged joke; I thought that was required under Ahistorical Cartoonist Attempts at Humor Regulation 17.3-B, su-paragraph 11.

  3. How about an Arlo Award for the last panel? And let’s not mention that said panel is in extremely bad taste.

  4. Bagpipes are often heard at funerals, especially those for fallen military, police, and fire personnel.

  5. I used to live in a Manhattan neighborhood where a guy would regularly get kitted out in full Scottish gear (kilt, sporran, knee socks) and walk around playing the bagpipes. I always thought he sounded pretty good, but 9/11 was really his time to shine as crowds of emotional New Yorkers would gather to hear his lovely rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

  6. I often would think that there are two bagpipes songs. One was “Amazing Grace” and the other wasn’t.

    Later I determined that the other was “Scotland the Brave”

  7. Thanks to Brian for the title. I knew the melody, but had misfiled it in my memory (I thought it was called “Alamein Dead”, but a quick Internet search proved that the two are completely different tunes).

  8. “Bagpipes are often heard at funerals, especially those for fallen military, police, and fire personnel.”

    Yea, maybe. ‘Give me liberty or give me dirge’?

  9. There is a Scottish musician who plays music at Colonial Williamsburg – not a regular employee, but comes in for special concerts or lectures on same. He, of course, plays the bagpipe. But he tells of when after Culloden the Scots were forbidden (among other things) to play the bagpipe they would play the violin to sound like one – and he demonstrates – one would swear it was a bagpipe playing (in a good way). John Turner.

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