1. Only SOME people call him “Maurice”.

    I literally heard this song on the radio yesterday.

  2. Perhaps I should be flattered, since I didn’t understand this one at all, which could be taken to mean that I am not a geezer (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary). In any case, I decided to find out how old this comic really is, but since King Features is incredibly miserly with its archive, that meant looking elsewhere. Amusingly enough, the place I finally found it is a strange little website called “CIDUtest“. The comic was published 7-Dec-2007, and Bill’s caption in that earlier post go a long way to explain everything anyone needs to know.

  3. I was going to suggest it’s still current because the song is a staple on classic rock radio. But then realized if you’re listening to radio, you’re a geezer.

  4. ” if you’re listening to radio, you’re a geezer.”

    I’ve recently been in the market for an upgrade to my in-cabin electronic entertainment package on my primary mode of vehicular transport. I’ve become aware that cassettes are no longer considered suitable to this purpose, but radio (of at least three different types) absolutely still is. Between a third and half of the available options in the local big-box retailer lacked CD-playing cabability, but 100% offered terrestrial radio and cellular device integration, and satellite radio was available in a bit more than half.

    My factory-original device had radio, CD player, and cassette (but is currently down to just the cassettes, thus the interest in a replacement.)

  5. Great find, Kilby: I’ve completely lost track of some of the short-lived interim sites. This seems to be the version that preceded the one GoDaddy destroyed last year.

  6. I’ve gone over completely to SIRIUS, knowing it’s really a waste of $$ as I’m rarely in my car, but just can’t give up Margaritaville and Spa. One of my few indulgences.

  7. As to the comic, in the song he was a space cowboy first, then a gangster of love. So how could he miss what he hasn’t yet…oh, it’s Pardon My Planet. Never mind.

  8. The Venerable Bronco came with a cassette player. I got one of those adapter things that looks like a cassette with a cord hanging off, that you can attach to most devices. I use the iPod I got for my 30th anniversary at MegaCorp.

  9. “As to the comic, in the song he was a space cowboy first, then a gangster of love. So how could he miss what he hasn’t yet”

    Well, to get picky (who me) he never said what order he was those things in or that he was any one first and then another. In fact he never said he was ever any of them– just that some people call him those.

  10. Steve Miller said he was a gangster of love in 1968, and said he was a space cowboy in 1969. He called himself Maurice in 1972.

  11. ” I use the iPod I got for my 30th anniversary at MegaCorp.”

    Take good care of it, because Apple doesn’t sell iPods any more.

  12. Earth in the comic is missing something…

    (And now I have the theme song from “Big Blue Marble” running through my head…

  13. Earth in the comic is missing something…

    (And now I have the theme song from “Big Blue Marble” running through my head…)

  14. To explain my double post, the first one apparently disappeared into moderation without my knowing at first. Ironically, I commented on that, along with an apology for the double post. Or at least I thought I had posted that third response. I came back later to find it not here. Is it in moderation? :-P

  15. Sometimes (rarely) a comment bypasses Moderation and goes directly to Spam or Trash. I check those folders periodically, but nowhere as often as Moderation. Basically, I guess, when somebody emails me that a comment has gone missing.

    I’m not sure whether anybody gets a message when a comment skips Purgatory and goes straight to Hell.

  16. I would assume that happens only if they draw a “Go to Hell, Go Directly to Hell, Do Not Collect $200” card?

  17. “When anything of mine goes into moderation, I get a note at the bottom of my post telling me so.”

    If you leave and come back, it just doesn’t appear.
    Maybe it’ll eventually show up, maybe not.

    “I’m not sure whether anybody gets a message when a comment skips Purgatory and goes straight to Hell.”

    No. Nor if something goes into moderation, and gets disapproved.

  18. It’s quite possible I went through the trouble of typing my email and user name but didn’t actually click POST COMMENT prior to leaving, which is what I thought I might have done in the first place with the first Moonrise post. It wasn’t until I had (mistakenly) tried posting the second Moonrise one that I noticed the Moderation notice for those posts.

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